Tuesday 10 July 2012

2013 Post 24: Evaluation Questions & Tasks

You are being marked on how well you are demonstrating the following criteria in your evaluation.

• understanding of the forms and conventions used in the productions.
• understanding of the role and use of new media in various stages of the production.
• understanding of the combination of main product and ancillary texts.
• understanding of the significance of audience feedback.
• skill in choice of form in which to present the evaluation.
• ability to communicate.
• use of digital technology or ICT in the evaluation.

There are four levels: minimal, basic, proficient and excellent.

The following tasks will help you structure your answers and provide appropriate ICT, communication and presentation variables to aid you in reaching the top grade.

Set up each evaluation question as a separate blog post.

Question 1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

• Task 1: Select 16 frames/screen grabs from your finished film and arrange in a grid 4x4 to illustrate your points above. Number them and then write a brief explanation about each using the headings above to help you.
• Task 2: Insert a screen grab of your finished postcard and annotate again illustrating your above thoughts.
• Task 3: Insert an image of your final magazine film review page and annotate again illustrating your above thoughts.

Question 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
Your outcome to this may vary depending on your skills and the equipment available to you. Here are a few suggestions on how you might present the required information.

1. Create a short video (effectively a DVD extra) discussing, pausing, at appropriate points in your short film to highlight how your ancillary tasks work with your short film.

2. Use a series of screen grabs from your short film alongside the ancillary tasks to illustrate how you have combined the effect of the 3 products and accompany these images with a write statement.

3. Produce an audio recording or flipvideo of your explanations. (See question 3 for advice on how to upload it to your blog.

If you have any other suggestions please discuss them with your teacher first to ensure that they meet the marking criteria and that you are able to complete the tasks by the required deadline.

Additional task – Ask your audience for feedback on the “effectiveness” of the products and quote them in your write up / ICT presentation.

Question 3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

• Planning: You will need to ask your target audience as well as classmates and teachers for their feedback on all three of your products. Prepare a few questions to help you direct the conversation to enable you to get useful answers from them.

• Task 1: Record your audience feedback using an audio device or flipvideo and upload onto your blog. (Audio tracks will need to go via www.soundcloud.com and videos via www.Youtube.com)

Note: MAKE sure you do this for your final film as well as a rough cut.

• Task 2: Write your own response / reflections on the feedback you’ve been given directly onto your blog answering the question:

o What have you learned from the feedback?
o You might also consider how did your feedback change the work you were doing?
o What would you change if you could do the project again?

Question 4 - How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

• Planning:

o Research and define the term “new media technologies”.
o Create a list of new media technologies you have used at each stage of production.

• Task 1: Create a montage of images (needs to be a jpeg so either Photoshop or PowerPoint perhaps) to illustrate the new media technologies you have used in the construction of your work. Number each image. Insert final montage onto your blog.

• Task 2: Write a short paragraph on each image saying how you used it and highlighting what you would have needed to do had the technology not been available.

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