Following the discussion in class you need to do the following:
2. Discuss why short films might find it hard to market their film using this strategy and introduce the idea of postcards. Refer to the document Mrs Shipp gave out on Short Film Distributed for more detail about how you would get your short film seen. BE DETAILED.
A recent invention is the QR Code. Following your discussions in class about this marketing technique discuss how you might use it in your postcard to facilitate audience interest. DOWNLOAD "SCAN" to you iphones and take a look!
4. Analyse postcards - feel free to research your own but Becky's are on "collect work from teachers".
5. Highlight how and where postcards they are used and their conventions.
6. Insert images of your draft designs. (ENSURE YOU HAVE A QR Code)
7. Ensure that you annotate your designs to show conventions you've used or broken away from and discuss how your design plans to fit in with the context of your film.
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